Growing up in the Black Hills of South Dakota, the outdoors were never far away. A vast majority of Ty’s time was spent exploring the back roads and hidden streams and lakes in the area. His dad started him early in his fishing career, armed with a pocket fisherman and a stubborn independence. Ty’s mom gave him his creative passion for art and both encouraged him to pursue what made him happy in life. Trips with with his dad to Ennis, Montana spurred his fly-fishing drive in high school and Ty split his summer days between baseball and fly-fishing.

“College is when my art drive hit high gear. Majoring in art for the first two years, I learned how to use a variety of mediums. Most of my art always had an outdoors theme to them while in school. After getting married, I switched from art to wildlife management major. Not wanting to be a starving artist, I changed majors to be a starving and traveling biologist. Taking many temporary seasonal positions with state and government agencies throughout the United States, my art was always there with me. While working at Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Southeastern Oregon, my fascination of drawing and painting things close up began. Being so close to ducks and fish gave me a great reference for material.”

Ty is now a full time fishing guide for the Ugly Bug Fly Shop on the North Platte River in Casper. Ty specializes in capturing moments with his clients by using the trout they have caught to create his paintings and carvings. Ty’s passion and ability to find inspiration in his daily life make’s us proud to have him on the Bauer team!